Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Does Facebook cause brain damage?

Over dinner with a friend last night, the conversation inevitably turned to Facebook. We both found that we were experiencing the same quizzical phenomenon. When people that we have communicated with over the years quite happily via email/SMS/IM suddenly turn up on Facebook, they seem to frequently adopt this as their communications platform of choice, in many cases forsaking others. What's even more quizzical is that, when I answer a Facebook message (which forwards to my email) from my email account, substituting the sender's real-world email, they often revert to Facebook once again to reply. Not only are people happy to have their communication siloed in a Facebook cloud, they seem downright determined to keep it there.


askans said...

yes, but try twitter

James Enck said...

I'm there already

askans said...

And I am following you there

Unknown said...

I am sorry Jim, but can you post this through your facebook notes? I don't read blogs any more, they are soooo 2007...

Unknown said...

"siloed in a Facebook cloud," What is that supposed to mean? must be brain damaged

Rudolf van der Berg said...

What is this Facebook your talking about? Why would I want to have my face in a book? Aren't websites much better for that? Have a look at Hyves, that is where the internet is going ;-)

Jamie said...

Waaaay ahead of you.