Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Vodafone 3G test in London

I returned to the office today to find an email from my erstwhile colleague Kota Ezawa (handsets/semiconductors - one day I'm going to pester this man into starting his own blog) saying that he had conducted tests of the Vodafone 3G service around London during the Christmas holidays. He tested the SonyEricsson V800 in 45 separate locations (10 residential, 22 retail/commercial, 10 office zones, and 3 in-car) in Central London. His summation - "Again, 3G has jumped the gun." While he found coverage on main streets and around Tube stations to be near-ubiquitous, in-building connectivity was poor. Only one quarter of attempts at in-building connections succeeded. The other disappointment was in the car at speeds above 30mph/50kmph, where he found connecting nearly impossible.

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